Denver (DOTI) Yale Ave Bike-Paving Design

Denver, Colorado

January 2023 - January 2024

As part of Denver’s Bike-Paving plan and Stolfus’ On-Call Multimodal Design contract with DOTI, Stolfus was hired to design bike lanes for two separate corridors, near the University of Denver campus, one on Iliff Avenue and one on Yale Avenue that were also scheduled for re-paving. The Iliff corridor requires much consideration for existing on-street parking heavily used by university students and staff in the area. The Yale corridor consists of existing buffered bike lanes that will be converted into protected bike lanes which will also require a balanced approach with community parking needs. In addition, turning movement evaluations at each intersection are critical to confirm the design is compatible with fire truck access.

Ultimately, the two corridors were planned on separate schedules with Final Plans being completed in September 2023 for the Yale corridor The Iliff corridor design is on hold. Stolfus has been steadfast in meeting the original schedule while remaining flexible and adaptable to changes coming through the public outreach process. We maintained the original schedule for the Yale 60% design that coincided with the paving construction schedule. Meanwhile, on Iliff, the public outreach process is resulting in revised concepts.